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K Smorodinsky-Atias, G Wiseglass, M Salem, M Kashani, N Boni, A Artyukhova, R Levy, R Rubinstein. “On the same side: The immune regulatory protein Vista and its ligands interact in cis“. BioRxiv:

G Wiseglass, R Rubinstein*. “Following the Evolutionary Paths of Dscam1 Proteins toward Highly Specific Homophilic Interactions”. Molecular Biology and Evolution 41 (7), 2024.

G Wiseglass, N Boni, K Smorodinsky-Atias, R Rubinstein*. “Clustered Protocadherin Cis-interactions are Required for Combinatorial Cell-Cell Recognition Underlying Neuronal Self-Avoidance”. PNAS 121 (29), e2319829121(2024).

N Boni, L Shapiro, B Honig*, Y Wu*, R Rubinstein*. “On the formation of ordered protein assemblies in cell–cell interfaces”. PNAS 119 (34), e2206175119 (2022)

KM Goodman, PS Katsamba, R Rubinstein, G Ahlsén, F Bahna, S Mannepalli, H Dan, R Sampogna, L Shapiro*, B Honig*. “How clustered protocadherin binding specificity is tuned for neuronal self/non-self-recognition”. Elife, 11, e72416, 2022

F Zhou, G Cao, S Dai, G Li, H Li, Z Ding, S Hou, B Xu, W You, G Wiseglass, F Shi, X Yang, R Rubinstein, Y Jin*. “Chelicerata sDscam isoforms combine homophilic specificities to define unique cell recognition“. PNAS. Oct 2020, 117 (40) 24813-24824

Dionne G, Qiu X, Rapp M, Liang X, Zhao B, Peng G, Katsamba PS, Ahlsen G, Rubinstein R, Potter CS, Carragher B, Honig B, Muller U, Shapiro L. 2018. "Mechanotransduction by PCDH15 Relies on a Novel cis-Dimeric Architecture". Neuron 99: 480-92 e5

Samanta D, Guo H, Rubinstein R, Ramagopal UA, Almo SC. 2017. "Structural, mutational and biophysical studies reveal a canonical mode of molecular recognition between immune receptor TIGIT and nectin-2". Mol Immunol 81: 151-9

Rubinstein R*, Goodman KM*, Maniatis T, Shapiro L, Honig B. 2017. "Structural origins of clustered protocadherin-mediated neuronal barcoding". Semin Cell Dev Biol 69: 140-50

Goodman KM*, Rubinstein R*, Dan H, Bahna F, Mannepalli S, Ahlsen G, Aye Thu C, Sampogna RV, Maniatis T, Honig B, Shapiro L. 2017. "Protocadherin cis-dimer architecture and recognition unit diversity". Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 114: E9829-E37

Goodman KM*, Rubinstein R*, Thu CA, Mannepalli S, Bahna F, Ahlsen G, Rittenhouse C, Maniatis T, Honig B, Shapiro L. 2016. "gamma-Protocadherin structural diversity and functional implications". Elife 5

Goodman KM*, Rubinstein R*, Thu CA, Bahna F, Mannepalli S, Ahlsen G, Rittenhouse C, Maniatis T, Honig B, Shapiro L. 2016. "Structural Basis of Diverse Homophilic Recognition by Clustered alpha- and beta-Protocadherins". Neuron 90: 709-23

Rubinstein R*, Thu CA*, Goodman KM*, Wolcott HN, Bahna F, Mannepalli S, Ahlsen G, Chevee M, Halim A, Clausen H, Maniatis T, Shapiro L, Honig B. 2015. "Molecular logic of neuronal self-recognition through protocadherin domain interactions". Cell 163: 629-42

Thu CA, Chen WV, Rubinstein R, Chevee M, Wolcott HN, Felsovalyi KO, Tapia JC, Shapiro L, Honig B, Maniatis T. 2014. "Single-cell identity generated by combinatorial homophilic interactions between alpha, beta, and gamma protocadherins". Cell 158: 1045-59

Rubinstein R, Ramagopal UA, Nathenson SG, Almo SC, Fiser A. 2013. "Functional classification of immune regulatory proteins". Structure 21: 766-76

Samanta D, Ramagopal UA, Rubinstein R, Vigdorovich V, Nathenson SG, Almo SC. 2012. "Structure of Nectin-2 reveals determinants of homophilic and heterophilic interactions that control cell-cell adhesion". Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109: 14836-40

Wang L, Rubinstein R, Lines JL, Wasiuk A, Ahonen C, Guo Y, Lu L-F, Gondek D, Wang Y, Fava RA, Fiser A, Almo S, Noelle RJ. 2011. "VISTA, a novel mouse Ig superfamily ligand that negatively regulates T cell responses". Journal of Experimental Medicine 208: 577-92

Chattopadhyay K, Lazar-Molnar E, Yan Q, Rubinstein R, Zhan C, Vigdorovich V, Ramagopal UA, Bonanno J, Nathenson SG, Almo SC. 2009. "Sequence, structure, function, immunity: structural genomics of costimulation". Immunol Rev 229: 356-86

Rubinstein R, Fiser A. 2008. "Predicting disulfide bond connectivity in proteins by correlated mutations analysis". Bioinformatics 24: 498-504

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